Rental of additional cold rooms ensures quality of catering at the World Conference Center Bonn

A facility manager should not leave the quality of catering and air conditioning in public spaces to chance, because clients and visitors have high expectations. Even an unforeseeable emergency must not lead to a deterioration of the indoor climate and catering services. Therefore, precise maintenance contracts are essential, for example with a refrigeration installer. Nevertheless, in an emergency or an unforeseeable lack of capacity, there is not always an immediate solution. In such cases, Coolworld is the partner that offers the necessary flexibility with a temporary facility. 


The World Conference Center, congress centre in Bonn. 

Task / challenge 

Supply of temporary additional cooling capacity for the canteen kitchen of the WCC. Cooling of beverages and food. 


Two large HACCP cooling cells of 30 m3 each. 


Additional cooling capacity for catering service providers. 
Extremely reliable solution. Service around the clock.

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