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How strongly rental cooling and heating is connected to each sector is evident from the great diversity of Coolworld customers. Full Service Rental is more than just supplying equipment. Coolworld ensures that the offered solution seamlessly connects with the wish, location and application of you as a customer.


How to keep temperature of a 1000m³ waterreservoir within legal norms with supporting rental cooling?

As a result of particularly high temperatures and increasingly frequent hot spells, industries are faced with additional cooling requirements. This is necessary to cope with stringent legal constraints. This was the challenge in the customerproject below:

How the versatile solution helped the customer?

Keeping temperature within limits with closed-circuit process cooling.

A versatile solution for specific challenges: Cooling the industrial process, Preserving the industrial closed loop, Comply with current regulations and decrees, Comply with water abstraction and effluent discharge limits.

A customised, flexible solution

To cope with these constraints, in a context of drought, we developed a solution for regulating the temperature between 21°C and 23°C with a 1000 m³ water tank. This to enable the customer's process to be fed in a closed loop.

Business continuity and a secure process

Thanks to the tailored solution, business activity is maintained during heat peaks, less water is drawn off, waste is kept under control. Real savings are made and the customer fully benefits from the rental solution.

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Supporting chillers and energy-efficient dry coolers to provide sufficient cooling capacity.

Safely storing granulates at -21 °C

A leading manufacturer of highly specialised plastic products was immediately looking to expand freezer storage. An additional room with stable storage temperature for their high-quality granulates was a requirement.  

Immediate additional freezer space when scaling up production

Stable temperature to maintain quality

Parts for the aircraft industry and wind turbines, for example, are made from the granulate with precision. In the production process to create high-quality products, temperature control is very important.

An additional freezer cell on site directly

The production company itself has its own freezer cell in the hall. Expanding internally was not an option due to lack of space. Therefore, the external rental freezer was placed outside near the premises.

Safe and cost-efficient rental

The freezer complies with hygiene/ HACCP requirements. In addition, renting is more cost-efficient. A rebuild internally to create extra capacity would have been more expensive.

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Processing and plastics
Storing high-quality products such as granules in perfect conditions? Coolworld's rental freezer offered an immediate solution.

Emergency cooling for cleanrooms and high-tech industry

Anteryon, specialists in optomechanical and optoelectronic technologies had a challenge in the hot summer period.

How we helped the customer

Sudden breakdown replacement needed fast

Excessive temperature in the production areas of opto-mechanical quality products was imminent.

Temperature under control thanks to rental units

One call with Coolworld was needed to inventarise the needed set-up. The same day it was delivered and operational.

Back-up chillers directly delivered

2 rental chillers 570 kW combined were connected tot the existing climate system.

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High-tech and Electronics
“The damage to our company was limited to the cost of hiring the temporary chillers. A fraction of what a long-term production stop would have cost.”
For every need

All round rental solutions

The rental units that we supply are always a total solution. Delivered quickly and customised to your installation. Together with you, a project team, your installer or service provider, we will compose a reliable solution. Everything is aimed at continuity of your processes with the best efficient rental installation.

Do you have any questions?

Our experts are ready to help you.

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